Roman Minin Miner Rugby Player
3398Roman Minin has been working on his Miner Rugby Player series since 2007, cre ating only one sculpture per year. Within the framework of this project, the artist engages with the image of a player, which is
read moreThe Challenge of the New May
3577This painting opens a new series of works addressing the challenge of the new time. The new MAY, the new PEACE, the new WORK. Adapting to drastic changes is never easy, especially when it’s the whole new world that we are facing, and the new lifestyle of contemporary humankind. The new
read moreNazar Bilyk. Confined Space
3663In his works, Nazar Bilyk explores the boundaries of the visible space through the medium of sculpture.
“Confined Space” (2010) is one of his first works that juxtaposes the artificially created transparent space with a
read moreYevhen Lisniak. From Existential Exercises series
3816This is how Lisniak himself had described his trajectory as an artist: “The main driving force behind my practice is the exploration and observation of the tension between
read moreGlobal Warming
3736We’ve lost Eden with Adam's and Eve's original sin, and keep losing its remnants to this day by ravishing the Earth. And yet, humankind could recreate its original Eden. We could transform the Earth into a blooming garden. Fruit are the quintessence of life, its
read moreFrom the Counterforms series
3746“Counterforms” is Nazar Bilyk’s big project, consisting of works of different scale and character, but united by a single idea, which clearly reflects the essence of sculptor’s creativity.
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