Stepan Ryabchenko "Lateca (Laetifica tenues caulis)"




It is a rare species of the honeyplant family; until recently, was considered extinct from the virtual nature.


Full name "Laetifica tenues caulis" It is known for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. Moreover, its special feature is the accumulation of positive energy and its radiation to the surrounding beings, often psychologically depressed, sad, nervous or even prone to depression. In this regard, it was awarded the status of "virtual therapist."


Sensory microcells, comprising the cover of the plant are able to capture the smallest signals in the area, scan the object, its condition, and send "correction" signal, as necessary.


During the first minutes of action the state of euphoria may be felt. Lateca lives in isolation, preferably on the water, that helps it filter nutrient materials, delivering them to the plant through the root system.