Identity. Behind the Curtain of Uncertainty

National Art Museum of Ukraine
6 Hrushevskogo St., Kyiv
‘Identity. Behind the Curtain of Uncertainty' - the Nordic, Baltic and Ukrainian contemporary art exhibition at the National Art Museum of Ukraine will open to the public on the 19th of March. It is promising to be one of the most spectacular manifestations of the last decade by the artists from the North-Eastern regions of Europe. The exhibition has been organised by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (Riga) in partnership with the National Art Museum of Ukraine, as well as the real architects behind this idea - the embassies of the Nordic and Baltic States in Ukraine.
Curator: Solvita Krese
Exhibiting artists: Roman Minin (UA), Open Group (UA), Lesja Zajac (UA), Matts Leiderstam (SWE), Meriç Algün Ringborg (SWE), Mats Adelman (SWE), Joar Nango (NO), The Stitch Project (NO), Ane Hjort Guttu (NO), Ester Fleckner (DK), Gudrun Hasle (DK), Kalle Hamm un Dzamil Kamanger (FIN), Tellervo Kalleinen (FIN), Bita Razavi (FIN), Anna Aizsilniece (LV), Ieva Epnere (LV), Katrina Neiburga (LV), Tanel Rander (EST), Kristina Norman (EST), Flo Kasearu (EST), Arnas Anskaitis (LT), Egle Budvytyte (LT), Kristina Inciuraite (LT) and Gabríela Friðriksdóttir (IS).