Shift of Consciousness
Egor Zigura - Sculpture - Aftertoday
The latest events in our country make us rethink everything that we knew or believed in earlier. There is a certain reboot happening, a rethinking of the essence of being, of your values and future path, but this process is quite painful for a lot of people... The search for truth or, especially, the philosophical category of "truth", goes through a path of confusion, uncertainty, bewilderment, split of thoughts and views. Such a state is literally conveyed by the "Shift of Consciousness" sculpture, which demonstrates a split, a shift of consciousness, when a person has to choose between "and-and", reboot to the new today and future, rejecting Soviet habits of the past...
The sculpture conveys the transitional period of the transformation of consciousness, full of doubts, rethinking, painful disappointments, for the identification in the space of new reality. But isn’t this "new" reality just a phantom? - The question also breaks the brain, forcing to scream from no alternative.
Edition: 15
Height - 100 cm
executed in 2016